Investigation and Evaluation of the Electromagnetic Field Effects at Hakkâri University Zeynel Bey Campus

Yüzer E. Ö., Şit S., Harmancı E., Erduman A., Bozkurt A., Soyvural Y., ...More

V. International Anatolian Scientific Research Congress, Hakkari, Turkey, 21 - 23 July 2023, pp.1449-1459

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: Hakkari
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.1449-1459
  • Hakkari University Affiliated: Yes


Abstract Technological advancements in recent times have increased the interest in technological devices. The growing demand for electricity by societies, especially in the latter years of the twentieth century, has led to the emergence of electromagnetics as a significant environmental issue. In order to address this problem, restrictions have been imposed by national and international organizations. Devices operating with electrical energy generate electric and magnetic fields. The electromagnetic field (EMF) occurs during the operation of electrical devices and systems, exerting varying degrees of influence on humans depending on the frequency. It can result in various conditions ranging from discomfort to nerve stimulation and even internal burns. However, living organisms exposed to electromagnetic effects may continue their lives without being aware of the negative impact it has on them, only to face health problems in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the electromagnetic fields to which employees are exposed, based on the principles of occupational health and safety laws and regulations. 1450 In this study, the measurement of electromagnetic field effects in the indoor and outdoor areas of buildings located at Hakkari University Zeynel Bey Campus was conducted, and the results were analyzed. Especially, electromagnetic field measurements were taken using EMF measurement devices at various points within the buildings, where electrical devices operating at a frequency of 50 Hz are present, and the results were evaluated. Keywords: Electromagnetic field, electromagnetic pollution, magnetic measurement, Hakkari University.