Urban regeneration is an issue that remains current all over the world and in our country. Many changes, problems and developments in the cities make the transformation inevitable. The regeneration is not only a physical change that takes place in the city but has many elements (economic, environmental, legal/administrative, social) in its background. It is seen that the regeneration practices in our country are mostly carried out in line with economic and physical concerns. Social factors are ignored in regeneration practices. So the regeneration causes displacement of people or creates problems of adaptation to the area of residence. The research was carried out by using qualitative and quantitative research techniques in Mamak District of Ankara. The data on the social factors that affect cities' quality of life were analyzed by comparing them before and after the regeneration. As a result of the research, it has been revealed that the transformation applications have created a significant change in many indicators (neighborhood relations, loyalty and belonging, displacement, participation factor, security, expectations about the environment) that constitute the social environment quality of the users of the field. It has been stated that ensuring the participation of the people in the regeneration process will contribute to meeting the expectations, decreasing the weakening in social relations and increasing confidence in the area
Kentsel dönüúüm tüm dünyada ve ülkem൴zdeg ncell൴÷൴n൴ koruyan b൴r konudur. Kentlerde meydanagelen b൴rçok de÷൴ú൴m, sorun ve gel൴úme, kentseldönüúümü kaçÕnÕlmaz kÕlmaktadÕr. Bu noktadad|n ú m; kentte meydana gelen ¿z൴ksel de÷൴ú൴molmakla b൴rl൴kte, arka planÕnda b൴rçok unsuru da(ekonom൴k, çevresel, yasal/yönetsel, sosyal)barÕndÕrmaktadÕr. Ülkem൴zde gerçekleút൴r൴lend|n ú m uygulamalarÕnÕn daha çok ekonom൴k ve¿z൴ksel kaygÕlar do÷rultusunda gerçekleút൴r൴ld൴÷൴görülmekted൴r. Dönüúüm uygulamalarÕnda sosyalunsurlar göz ardÕ ed൴lmekted൴r. Bunun sonucundagerçekleúen dönüúüm, yer൴nden ed൴lmeylesonuçlanmakta veya yaúanÕlan mekâna uyumgöster൴lmes൴nde zorluklarÕn yaúanmasÕna nedenolmaktadÕr. Ankara'nÕn Mamak ølçes൴nde n൴tel ven൴cel araútÕrma tekn൴kler൴nden yararlanÕlarak yapÕlanaraútÕrma kapsamÕnda, kentlerde yaúam kal൴tes൴n൴oluúturan sosyal unsurlara ൴l൴úk൴n ver൴ler, d|n ú m|nces൴ ve sonrasÕ úekl൴nde anal൴z ed൴lm൴út൴r. AraútÕrmasonucunda ortaya konulan bulgularda dönüúümuygulamalarÕnÕn kullanÕcÕlarÕn sosyal çevrekal൴teler൴n൴ oluúturan b൴rçok göstergede (komúuluk൴l൴úk൴ler൴, ba÷lÕlÕk ve a൴d൴yet, yer൴nden ed൴lme, katÕlÕmunsuru, güvenl൴k, yaúanÕlan çevreye ൴l൴úk൴nbeklent൴ler) c൴dd൴ anlamda b൴r de÷൴ú൴m yarattÕ÷Õg|r lm út r. ÇalÕúma sonucunda halkÕn d|n ú msürec൴ne katÕlÕmÕnÕn sa÷lanmasÕnÕn, beklent൴ler൴nkarúÕlanmasÕna katkÕ sa÷layaca÷Õna, d|n ú m sonrasÕalanla daha ൴y൴ bütünleúmeye, sosyal ൴l൴úk൴ler൴g çlend൴rmeye ve yaúanÕlan alana duyulan güvenduygusunun artmasÕna neden olaca÷Õ bel൴rt൴lm൴út൴r.