Hajmohammad M.

“MEVLÂNÂ’NIN DÜŞÜNCE DÜNYASI VE ANADOLU ERENLERİ”, Ağrı, Turkey, 23 - 24 November 2023, pp.155-157

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • City: Ağrı
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.155-157
  • Hakkari University Affiliated: Yes


Associated with human consciousness, the place stores many joyful or sad emotions and memories in its memory. It is imagined that his existence does not have to relate to perceived reality, but may be linked to the poet's feelings, feelings and inner consciousness in which the ego and the I dissolve into a controversial movement that is not bordered by the parties. To break the laws of spatial descriptions with new descriptions would not have fallen without this unification between the poet and his sacred place. In addition to the foregoing, this paper aims to study a number of places mentioned by Maulana Jalaluddin alRoumi in his poetry. When studying his diwan, "Diwan Shams Tabrizi" and "Mithnawi Mu'nawi," he finds the names of many countries, places, cities, mountains, rivers and mosques, including: The Levant, Abyssinia, Egypt, Iraq, Mecca, Damascus, Aleppo, Jerusalem, Bukhara, Karbala, Samarkand, Jabal Tur Sana, Jabal Uhud,  Euphrates, Tigris, Nile, Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Grand Mosque. It is noted, however, that Maulana did not belong to most of these places with their own hair, but even mentioned some of these places without going into the details of the place. Accordingly, the study consists of an introduction, researchers and a conclusion. The introduction begins with a quick overview of the subject matter of the study and then outlines its objectives, relevance, approach and previous studies In the first topic, the study presents the concept of place and its active role in poetry in general and Sufi poetry in particular, The second study is devoted to the sanctity of the place and its deep spiritual environment in Maulana's poetry. s poetic inspiration. Keywords: Poetry, Place, Sufi, Sanctity, Jalaluddin Rumi.