INTERNATIONAL REFEREED JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND SCIENCES, vol.2, no.5, pp.125-151, 2015 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Abstract: Induction motors are the most used electricmotors in industry which are high efficient, robust, littlemaintenance and because of its low cost. Because ofthese features, in speed control of the induction motors,it has a great importance to improve effective controlmethods. This kind of motors are used in variablespeed applications with the use of motor driver bytechnologic improvements. Because of the fact that thethree-phased induction motors are commonly used, alot of control methods have been put forward for thespeed and torque control of these kinds of motors.In this study, it is aimed to investigate the studies inspeed control techniques and to identify the effectivemethods. At the end of the study, an evaluation ispresented about the speed control methods of three-phased induction motors.Key Words: Induction Motor, Scalar Control, VectorControl, Field Oriented Control, Direct Torque Control
Abstract: Induction motors are the most used electric motors in industry which are high eficient, robust, little maintenance and because of its low cost. Because of these features, in speed control of the induction motors , it has a great importance to improve effective control methods. This kind of motors are used in variable speed applications with the use of motor driver by technologic improvements. Because of the fact that the three-phased induction motors are commonly used, a lot of control methods have been put forward for the speed and torque control of these kinds of motors.
In this study, it is aimed to investigate the studies in speed control techniques and to identify the effective methods. At the end of the study, an evaluation is presented about the speed control methods of threephased induction motors.
Key Words: Induction Motor, Scalar Control, Vector Control, Field Oriented Control, Direct Torque Control