Investigation of Asymmetric Transmission Properties of 2D Metallic Photonic Crystal for Optical Diode Application


Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlik Fakültesi Dergisi, vol.24, no.4, pp.225-230, 2019 (Peer-Reviewed Journal) identifier


Current studies combined optics and photonics provide the most promising materials for potentialtechnological and industrial applications, because of their exciting optical and electronic properties.Metals show a lot of optical phenomena associated with their rich dispersion properties, and are widelyused in the range from visible to THz frequencies. In this study, asymmetric transmission properties of 2-D photonic crystals have been studied. The effects of different geometric and optical parameters on thetransmission are investigated by using MATLAB and freely available MEEP software based on theFDTD method. A novel structure made of silver is used to manipulate electromagnetic propagation ofdifferent wave lengths. The simulation results represent transmittance values for the TM mode where theelectromagnetic propagation transverse to the same way of incidence wave. As a result, the bestcomparative asymmetric transmittance values are obtained as 0.75, and 0.15 from top and bottom sides,respectively.